Climathon citiES 2030

From October 26 to November 12, the Global Climathon 2023 was held with the aim of mobilizing the citizens of 8 Spanish cities. These were scenarios for multi-stakeholder collaboration, creativity, co-creation, collective intelligence in the search for solutions to the common challenge of "heat islands in public places".


Spanish cities



+ 30

solutions to the common challenge


cities in the world




solutions to challenges

Since 2015, Climathon is the world's largest climate innovation hackathon focused on citizen participation. Cities and citizens come together to address local climate change challenges. With the methodology designed by EIT Climate-KIC, more than 900 Climathons have been implemented worldwide, with the participation of more than 35,000 people.

citiES 2030 developed the orchestration and facilitation of the work with all Spanish cities. Through weekly sessions, we created a learning community in which we shared knowledge, experiences and resources for the implementation of the Climathon. Also, citiES 2030 coordinated the communication management; the design of the common challenge, aligned with the needs of the city and its Climate Agreements; the connection with the ecosystem of actors; and the systematization of the results of the Climathon in Spain.

Heat islands in public places: Urban heat islands are climatic phenomena that occur in urban areas, where temperatures are significantly higher than in their rural surroundings. These hot areas are due to the concentration of buildings, roads, pavements, and other man-made surfaces that absorb and retain heat, as well as limited vegetation and lack of shade. During the day, urban surfaces absorb solar radiation, raising temperatures. At night, these surfaces gradually release the accumulated heat, preventing the city from cooling efficiently, resulting in temperature differences between urban and rural areas.

Each city mobilized its local ecosystem. citiES 2030 had the role of connecting the Climathon organizing teams with their respective city councils, thus ensuring the relevance of the challenge connected to the needs of the cities.

Promoting organizations:

  • Cartagena City Council,
  • Eibar City Council
  • Cabildo of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • IE Business School
  • Murcia City Council
  • Climathon Seville
  • Valencia Activa Foundation
  • City of Viladecans Foundation.


Through the KUMU tool, we have developed a collaborative map that allows us to visualize the solutions presented, as well as their different complementarities. With the support of artificial intelligence we have developed a series of images of the prototypes presented by the participants, in this way the use of technology and art are combined to present inspiring images to the challenges posed.



Climathon by city

With the support of EIT Climate-KIC and orchestrated by citiES 2030, Spanish cities were part of the Climathon 2023 Global Campaign, connecting with more than 38 cities worldwide, with the city of Seville as the main venue for the Climathon.

  • Dates: November 9 and 10, 2023
  • Approach to the challenge: Thermal comfort, urban planning, architecture
  • Context: Reducing the impacts of urban heat islands; seeking solutions to improve the livability of public spaces where large-scale modifications are often not possible, through bioclimatic strategies, nature-based solutions, sustainable infrastructures, increased tree planting and green corridors.
  • Organizations: City Council of Cartagena, Polytechnic University of Cartagena, Technological Center for the Environment (CETENMA).
  • Web:
  • Date: October 28, 2023
  • Focus on the challenge: Energy, just transition, architecture
  • Context: The Climathon held at IE Business School was an initiative led by university students and the IE School of Politics, Economics and Global Affairs. The activity was focused on establishing dialogues between the different participants and decision makers invited to the event and experts in urban policy design. The challenge was held in the experimental area of La Cañada Real.
  • Organizations: IE Business School, Madrid City Council
  • Web:
  • Date: October 27, 2023
  • Approach to the challenge: Urbanism, nature-based solutions, health, materials, technologies.
  • Context: Bioclimatic strategies and nature-based solutions were addressed. The challenge also included the habitability of public spaces in the urban fabric of the already consolidated city, where it is often not possible to carry out major modifications.
  • Organizations: Climathon Murcia, Murcia City Council, ALEM, CETENMA.
  • Web:
  • Dates: October 27 and 29, 2023
  • Approach to the challenge: Water, nature-based solutions, materials, architecture
  • Context: To seek solvent technological solutions to the problem of thermal comfort in the city of Seville. The projects submitted must include one of the approaches and the solutions will be based on the following neighborhoods: Huerta del Carmen, El Carmen, Juan XXIII.
  • Organizations: Seville City Council, CENSOLAR, QUANTICA, ABORGASE, Cátedra Economía Circular, ECOTERRAE, FINNOVA, COAMBA, YEGO, Fundación Real Betis, Forever Green, PCT Cartuja, Andalucía Emprende, WHATER, Sevilla Chamber of Commerce, Sevilla FC Foundation, YWP, Más que lechugas, Ciudad Lista. Ciudad Feliz, BIO Alverde, ARENA, EMASESA, Cámara Sevilla Tech, Zero Consulting, ISOTROL, Fundación Renovables, LEAN HYDROGEN, espacio_RES, El Club de los Raros, go:hub, Zoom, Guasinei, Kombucha - T, ONGAWA, Meditaresfácil, ANSEMAC Empresarias, FRIDAYS FOR FUTURE SEVILLA, Universidad de Sevilla, ETSAS Arquitectura Sevilla, Asociación Alumni (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería), Mormedi, AURA, SIT, Vegan Rock, Asociación Andaluza de Innovación Social y Medioambiental (Pacto Verde), Red Internacional Promotores ODS, EUROPE DIRECT Sevilla, ADUS, Sathtep206, INERCO, ENDESA. I logo with yellow dot without name.
  • Web:
  • Dates: November 11 and 12, 2023
  • Approach to the challenge: Thermal comfort, urban planning, architecture
  • Context: Valencia was proposed to reduce the effect of heat islands in the city and work focused on the proposal to turn the Valencia City Hall square into a climatic shelter, which would reduce the thermal sensation by several degrees of temperature to better cope with heat waves.
  • Organizations: València City Council, València Activa, LC TECH CITY, VIT Emprende, Innova & Acción.
  • Web:
  • Date: October 28, 2023
  • Approach to the challenge: Urban planning, architecture, thermal comfort, integrated strategies.
  • Context: Develop comprehensive strategies to counteract extreme temperatures in Viladecans, addressing minimum temperatures above 25ºC as well as maximum temperatures above 40ºC. Effectively mitigate the adverse effects of the heat island during the summer in Viladecans by rethinking the urban planning of outdoor public space and adapting buildings and housing to the new climatic reality, with the aim of increasing thermal comfort in the city.
  • Organizations: Viladecans City Council, City of Viladecans Foundation, Office of the Future of the City, Barcelona Provincial Council.
  • Web:

Global Campaign

Multi-stakeholder and multidisciplinary collaboration is essential to address the fight against climate change. All at once and everywhere, it must be the mantra of the systemic transformation of our cities. Climathon 2023 brings together 38 cities and around 2,000 people around the world to create a single collective intelligence for the sustainability, health and well-being of their citizens. How do we generate more impact with all this knowledge? How do the private sector, public sector, academia and civil society work together?


  • Manuel Alméstar | Facilitator and orchestrator of citiES 2030, EIT Climate-KIC
  • Eladio Romero : Environment Coordinator of the Seville City Council
  • Carmen Galán | Professor of the School of Architecture of the University of Seville
  • Blanca Gomez | Head of Entrepreneurship Cartuja Scientific and Technological Park
  • Ana Moreno : Industrial engineer specialized in renewable energies and member of the organizing team of Climathon Sevilla.





Madrid, Murcia and Seville



  • Samantha Le-Royal, Communications & Marketing Lead, EIT Climate-KIC
  • Manuel Alméstar | Facilitator and orchestrator of citiES 2030, EIT Climate-KIC
  • Sofia Lorenz | Coordinator Climathon Murcia, Centro Tecnológico de la Energía y del Medio Ambiente (CETENMA)
  • Cecilia : Member of the coordinating team Climathon Seville
  • Gabriela | Member of the coordinating team Climathon Madrid, IE Business School
  • Ivana Soto | Member of the coordinating team Climathon Madrid, IE Business School

Seville, Viladecans, Trujillo (Peru), San Salvador (El Salvador), Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Oaxaca (Mexico).

Cartagena and Valencia



  • Manuel Alméstar | Facilitator and orchestrator of citiES 2030, EIT Climate-KIC
  • Sofia Lorenz | Coordinator Climathon Cartagena, Centro Tecnológico de la Energía y del Medio Ambiente (CETENMA)
  • Jose Rojo | Cartagena City Hall
  • Lucia Calabria - València Activa Foundation







  • Samantha Le-Royal, Communications & Marketing Lead, EIT Climate-KIC
  • Manuel Alméstar | Facilitator and orchestrator of citiES 2030, EIT Climate-KIC
  • Anabel Camacho| Director of Espai Público
  • Ana Moreno | Climathon Sevilla

Climate commitments: All at once and everywhere


  • Antonella Broglia | Presenter and Climate Commitment Commissioner
  • Ana Moreno : Industrial engineer specialized in renewable energies and member of the organizing team of Climathon Sevilla.

citiES 2030
in the media